Friday, May 23, 2008

Creating a Board aka Forum on your own PC !

Creating a Board aka Forum on your own PC !
First of all you need Apache Server, PHP, MySQL and a Forum Script i.e. phpBB or Invision or vBulletin.

Download phpDev here
and you get a bundle of all the things above.

exttract & install php dev. start the apache server,its 90% done.

upload the forum script to X:/phpdev/www/public
(x is your drive, usually C: )

now to access the forum through internet you will not know your IP address thru ipconfig command..

go to

see whats your IP address.

now go to

http://your ip address/public/your forum directory/install.php

thats it!
i am not liable for any criminal or bad thing which you have done using this message and document. i am giving here for the educational purpose and care should be taken from your side before using this document and please get a written permission from the person before hacking or doing some thing in the network or system.This document is intended for judicial or educational purposes. I have collected these documents and messages from the internet for educational purpose only. always use these documents for doing good only. I don't want to promote computer crime and I'm not responible of your actions in any way. If you want to hack a computer, do the decent thing and ask for permission first. please read and use this for useful purpose only to protect the systems and information from the bad people. always seek permission from the system owner or who ever responcible for the system by written and then go ahead. Give a full report with honestly to the person or company about your experiments and findings from the system. Always Do Good Think Good and Belive Good.

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