i am presenting here, what are all i am reading and what are all experiences which I got. i am just sharing here. வணக்கம்....நான் விவேக்.. இங்கு எனக்கு கிடைத்த தகவலும் .. என்னை கவர்ந்த செய்திகளும் உங்களுக்கு தருகின்றேன் ...
Saturday, August 2, 2008
124 Ways Sugar Ruins Your Health
124 Ways Sugar Ruins Your Health
By Nancy Appleton
As much as we try to deny it, we all feel in our bones that sugar is harmful to us. Why else would we try to restrict our and our children’s intake of it to only a few sweets at a time? We know it instinctively, but perhaps we need to know more… Dr Nancy Appleton has laid it out for us with this exhaustive and well referenced article.
1. Sugar can suppress the immune system.
2. Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body.
3. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.
4. Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
5. Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection (infectious diseases).
6. Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function, the more sugar you eat the more elasticity and function you loose.
7. Sugar reduces high density lipoproteins.
8. Sugar leads to chromium deficiency.
9. Sugar leads to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, and rectum.
10. Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose.
11. Sugar causes copper deficiency.
12. Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
13. Sugar can weaken eyesight.
14. Sugar raises the level of a neurotransmitters: dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.
15. Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
16. Sugar can produce an acidic digestive tract.
17. Sugar can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline levels in children.
18. Sugar malabsorption is frequent in patients with functional bowel disease.
19. Sugar can cause premature aging.
20. Sugar can lead to alcoholism.
21. Sugar can cause tooth decay.
22. Sugar contributes to obesity.
23. High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.
24. Sugar can cause changes frequently found in person with gastric or duodenal ulcers.
25. Sugar can cause arthritis.
26. Sugar can cause asthma.
27. Sugar greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast infections).
28. Sugar can cause gallstones.
29. Sugar an cause heart disease.
30. Sugar can cause appendicitis.
31. Sugar can cause multiple sclerosis.
32. Sugar can cause hemorrhoids.
33. Sugar can cause varicose veins.
34. Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users.
35. Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.
36. Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
37. Sugar contributes to saliva acidity.
38. Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
39. Sugar can lower the amount of Vitamin E in the blood.
40. Sugar can decrease growth hormone.
41. Sugar can increase cholesterol.
42. Sugar can increase the systolic blood pressure.
43. Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
44. High sugar intake increases advanced glycation end products (AGEs)(Sugar bound non- enzymatically to protein)
45. Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein.
46. Sugar causes food allergies.
47. Sugar can contribute to diabetes.
48. Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
49. Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
50. Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease.
51. Sugar can impair the structure of DNA.
52. Sugar can change the structure of protein.
53. Sugar can make our skin age by changing the structure of collagen.
54. Sugar can cause cataracts.
55. Sugar can cause emphysema.
56. Sugar can cause atherosclerosis.
57. Sugar can promote an elevation of low density lipoproteins (LDL).
58. High sugar intake can impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in the body.
59. Sugar lowers the enzymes ability to function.
60. Sugar intake is higher in people with Parkinson’s disease.
61. Sugar can cause a permanent altering the way the proteins act in the body.
62. Sugar can increase the size of the liver by making the liver cells divide.
63. Sugar can increase the amount of liver fat.
64. Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney.
65. Sugar can damage the pancreas.
66. Sugar can increase the body’s fluid retention.
67. Sugar is enemy #1 of the bowel movement.
68. Sugar can cause myopia (nearsightedness).
69. Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries.
70. Sugar can make the tendons more brittle.
71. Sugar can cause headaches, including migraine.
72. Sugar plays a role in pancreatic cancer in women.
73. Sugar can adversely affect school children’s grades and cause learning disorders.
74. Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha, and theta brain waves.
75. Sugar can cause depression.
76. Sugar increases the risk of gastric cancer.
77. Sugar and cause dyspepsia (indigestion).
78. Sugar can increase your risk of getting gout.
79. Sugar can increase the levels of glucose in an oral glucose tolerance test over the ingestion of complex carbohydrates.
80. Sugar can increase the insulin responses in humans consuming high-sugar diets compared to low sugar diets.
81. High refined sugar diet reduces learning capacity.
82. Sugar can cause less effective functioning of two blood proteins, albumin, and lipoproteins, which may reduce the body’s ability to handle fat and cholesterol.
83. Sugar can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.
84. Sugar can cause platelet adhesiveness.
85. Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance; some hormones become underactive and others become overactive.
86. Sugar can lead to the formation of kidney stones.
87. Sugar can lead to the hypothalamus to become highly sensitive to a large variety of stimuli.
88. Sugar can lead to dizziness.
89. Diets high in sugar can cause free radicals and oxidative stress.
90. High sucrose diets of subjects with peripheral vascular disease significantly increases platelet adhesion.
91. High sugar diet can lead to biliary tract cancer.
92. Sugar feeds cancer.
93. High sugar consumption of pregnant adolescents is associated with a twofold increased risk for delivering a small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infant.
94. High sugar consumption can lead to substantial decrease in gestation duration among adolescents.
95. Sugar slows food’s travel time through the gastrointestinal tract.
96. Sugar increases the concentration of bile acids in stools and bacterial enzymes in the colon. This can modify bile to produce cancer-causing compounds and colon cancer.
97. Sugar increases estradiol (the most potent form of naturally occurring estrogen) in men.
98. Sugar combines and destroys phosphatase, an enzyme, which makes the process of digestion more dificult.
99. Sugar can be a risk factor of gallbladder cancer.
100. Sugar is an addictive substance.
101. Sugar can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol.
102. Sugar can exacerbate PMS.
103. Sugar given to premature babies can affect the amount of carbon dioxide they produce.
104. Decrease in sugar intake can increase emotional stability.
105. The body changes sugar into 2 to 5 times more fat in the bloodstream than it does starch.
106. The rapid absorption of sugar promotes excessive food intake in obese subjects.
107. Sugar can worsen the symptoms of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
108. Sugar adversely affects urinary electrolyte composition.
109. Sugar can slow down the ability of the adrenal glands to function.
110. Sugar has the potential of inducing abnormal metabolic processes in a normal healthy individual and to promote chronic degenerative diseases.
111. I.Vs (intravenous feedings) of sugar water can cut off oxygen to the brain.
112. High sucrose intake could be an important risk factor in lung cancer.
113. Sugar increases the risk of polio.
114. High sugar intake can cause epileptic seizures.
115. Sugar causes high blood pressure in obese people.
116. In Intensive Care Units: Limiting sugar saves lives.
117. Sugar may induce cell death.
118. Sugar may impair the physiological homeostasis of many systems in living organisms.
119. In juvenile rehabilitation camps, when children were put on a low sugar diet, there was a 44% drop in antisocial behavior.
120. Sugar can cause gastric cancer.
121. Sugar dehydrates newborns.
122. Sugar can cause gum disease.
123. Sugar increases the estradiol in young men.
124. Sugar can cause low birth-weight babies.
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139. Lenders, C. M. “Gestational Age and Infant Size at Birth Are Associated with Dietary Intake Among Pregnant Adolescents.” Journal of Nutrition 128.1998:1807-1810
About the Author...
This article appears on Nancy Appleton's website, and more information is available in her book, "Lick the Sugar Habit". Email Dr Appleton for more information.
Friday, August 1, 2008
There is God
While i stopped i checked my packet i found it missing. i was totally collapsed. i prayed to God and GuruDheva could you please check it and give to me.
Really miracle happened. While I was calling from the another phone A person took it and told me he is having the cell phone please come and collect it tomorrow.
In middle of night I got doubt whether he will give me the phone or not. But my inner mind told me that you have given all your responsibility to him so don't worry God and GuruDheva will take care the mobile and you will get it back.
so i went to bed peacefully. Today morning i got up 8 am and i went to meet him at 9.00 am. His Name is Ramesh and he is having Timber mart wood shop in anna nagar, chrompet. I told him no person will have the great thought. he replyed me that i have lost nearly 5- 6 cell phones. i know what is the pain if some one lost the phone. i gave him my visiting card and i got his visiting card also. So God and GuruDheva is there to get my cell back if i was wrong it may went in wrong hand my cell phone is gone and i have to get scolding from lot of people.
Thanks to God and GuruDheva and i am praying to GuruDheva and God that he should get more good things in life. Let his business may flourish more.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
A letter viruses list and explanation
A letter viruses: Scroll down the page and choose the desired name:
Jerusalem virus
Name: Jerusalem
Also known as: A-204, 1808(EXE), 1813(COM), ArabStar, BlackBox, BlackWindow, Friday13th, HebrewUniversity, Israeli, PLO, Russian
Type: File infector
Affects: PCs
Discovered: October 1, 1987
Note: the Jerusalem virus was originally thought to have originated in Israel as it was first discovered in a Hebrew university there. However, antivirus researchers received new evidence in 1991 that points to Italy as being the originating country.
Description: The Jerusalem virus is one of the older and certainly one of the more commonly known viruses. Several variants of Jerusalem exist, infecting both .EXE and .COM files found on the system. The first of the Jerusalem viruses contained a bug that caused it to repeatedly infect the EXE files over and over, until eventually the file sizes overwhelmed computer resources.
Jerusalem has a malicious payload that activates each Friday the 13th, deleting any programs run on that day. The virus causes a general slowdown of the computer thirty minutes after an infected program is run and also causes the screen to roll up two lines. Some minor variants of Jerusalem do not cause the screen anomaly, making their presence harder to detect by the naked eye.
A4F-Spoof and HOAX
AOL4Free Hoax
Description: The AOL4Free saga is part hoax, part reality. First, there is a Macintosh program named aol4free (note, it does not use the filename aol4free.com) Second, there is hoax generated that stated aol4free.com deleted files on users hard drives. Finally, there is a Trojan by the same name, which has been dubbed A4F-Spoof by the antivirus vendors to avoid confusion. (The assumption is that the hoax was a spin-off of the Mac program, and the Trojan a spin-off of the hoax).
Example of hoax email:
Anyone who recieves this must send it to as many people as you can. It is essential that this problem be reconciled as soon as possible.
A few hours ago, I opened an E-mail that had the subject heading of aol4free.com
Within seconds of opening it, a window appeared and began to display my files that were being deleted. I immediately shut down my computer, but it was too late. This virus wiped me out.
It ate the Anti-Virus Software that comes with the Windows '95 Program along with F-Prot AVS. Neither was able to detect it. Please be careful and send this to as many people as possible, so maybe this new virus can be eliminated.
Hoaxes are a waste of both time and money. Please don't forward them on to others. And if you are tempted to forward something just in case, read the article Toxic Excuses instead.
A.I.D.S Virus Hoax
Description: With its bad grammar and ALL CAPS, this alleged virus warning is a classic example of a hoax. The hoax urgently warns of a malicious virus that will "EAT AWAY AT YOUR MEMORY".
Example of hoax email:
Chet worm misleads in bid to infect
The day prior to the first anniversary of the September 11 tragedy, a new email worm exploiting the date made its debut. Dubbed W32/Anniv911 by the discoverers and W32/Chet by antivirus vendors, the Chet worm arrives in email with an attachment named '11september.exe '. The filename contains what is known as a trailing space, possibly bypassing some content filtering and antivirus software vulnerable to this exploit.
The worm message has the subject line 'All people!!' and contains the following text:
Dear ladies and gentlemen!
The given letter does not contain viruses, and is not Spam. We ask you to be in earnest to this letter. As you know America and England have begun bombardment of Iraq, cause of its threat for all the world. It isn't the truth. The real reason is in money laundering and also to cover up traces after acts of terrorism September, 11, 2001. Are real proofs of connection between Bush and Al-Qaeda necessary for you? Please! There is a friendly dialogue between Bin Laden and the secretary of a state security of USA in the given photos. In the following photo you'll see, how FBI discusses how to strike over New York to lose people as much as possible. And the document representing the super confidential agreement between CIA and Al-Qaeda is submitted to your attention. All this circus was specially played to powder brains!! You'll find out the truth. Naked truth, instead of TV showed.For your convenience, and to make letter less, all documentary materials (photos and MS Word documents) are located in one EXE file. Open it, and all materials will be installed on your computer. You will receive the freshest and classified documents automatically from our site. It isn't a virus! You can trust us absolutely. We hope, that it will open your eyes on many things occurring in this world.
Of course, if you believe the claims in the text and open the supposedly 'virus-free' attachment, you will become infected with the W32/Anniv911 a.k.a. Chet worm and it will in turn send itself out from your machine in a bid to mislead and infect even more users.
The worm was first detected by MessageLabs, a managed service provider that specializes in email security, and reported to AVIEN and AVI-EWS, rapid information exchange groups designed to stem the flow of viruses.
Removing the Worm
Search for and delete the following files:
Locate the following Registry Key:
and delete the Value: DefaultLcid3="2"
Locate the following Registry Key:
and delete the Value: ICQ1="C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\synchost1.exe"
Risk Factor
Antivirus vendors began issuing updates to detect the Chet worm hours after it was discovered. Fortunately, due to a bug in the worm's code, it is unlikely to run properly and thus poses little risk of spread. However, attention should be paid to the social engineering aspect of the Chet worm message, as other virus writers might attempt to use similar messages to tempt users into opening their viral files. Email attachments received unexpectedly should be viewed with suspicion. MailDefense effectively and automatically removes potentially harmful attachments and content from email and is a good solution for those who are seeking an additional layer of protection between updates or simply wish to have enhanced protection for their email.
Anti virus
Name: Anti
Also known as:
Type: Macintosh application infector
Affects: System 6 Macintoshes running Finder
Discovered: In France
Description: According to reports from Bigelow's Virus Troubleshooting guide, authored by Ken Dunham, ANTI infects only applications and not the System file. Due to a bug in the virus, all the Code 1 resource attributes are cleared. This can result in an affected application using memory less effectively. This damage cannot be corrected by disinfection; optimally affected files should be restored from a clean backup. There are two variants of the ANTI virus. ANTI.A renders ANTI.B inoperable.
Name: AntiCMOS
Also known as: Gaxelle Lenart LiXi
Type: Resident Boot sectors MBR virus
Affects: PCs
Discovered: June 1994; Hong Kong
Description: Common boot sector virus affecting both hard drives and floppy disks. Spread by booting from infected floppy diskette. Diskettes used in the infected machine will likely become infected as well. Two variants: AntiCMOS.a and AntiCMOS.b.
AntiEXE virus
Name: AntiEXE
Also known as: D3, NewBug, Anti-Exe, BootDr79, NC-Boot
Type: Boot sector MBR Stealth virus
Affects: PCs
Discovered: 1995
Description: Common boot sector virus affecting both hard drives and floppy disks. Spread by booting from infected floppy diskette. Diskettes used in the infected machine will likely become infected as well. Uses stealth techniques to hide its presence in the boot sector. Tries to thwart standard behavior-blockers by redirected BIOS disk interrupt 13h to interrupt D3h instead.
Anthrax virus
PR needs vaccine against virus vype
As if there are not enough legitimate acts of terrorism in the world, public relations folks went into overdrive regarding a broken email-borne virus that should have been dubbed "the little virus that couldn't". Even worse, the crippled virus was originally dubbed VBS.Antrax by Panda Software. (Antrax is the Spanish word for Anthrax).
Though virus analyzers noted that VBS.VBSWG.AF, a.k.a. Antrax virus, intends "to send itself via MAPI email but fails due to bugs in the script", that wasn't enough to stop hyperactive public relations teams, who quickly issued a media release on the non-event. CNN then acted on the release and reported the information during their broadcast. Even Reuters picked up the story, claiming that once "the attachment is opened the worm spreads itself to everyone listed in the email address book." In reality, the file fails to attach itself to the outgoing email, and thus the worm self-destructs on its very first try.
"It is disappointing to see some of our competitors hyping up a virus like this, particularly in the current political climate," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant for Sophos Anti-Virus. "Anti-virus companies should act responsibly when it comes to virus alerts. Sadly, on this occasion, it's possible that the only thing which will spread is greater confusion and panic amongst the public."
Just another worm
VBS.VBSWG.AF is just another VBS script virus. Like others, its intent is to spread via email. Unlike others, lame coding makes this impossible. The email, should you ever receive it (doubtful) carries the subject line: Antrax Info and body which reads:
si no sabes que es el antrax o cuales son sus efectos aquite mando una foto para que veas los efectos que tiene.
Nota:la foto esta un poco fuerte.
In English, this translates to:
If you don't know what antrax is or what the results of it are, please see the attached picture so that you can see the results that it has.
Note: the picture might be too strong.
The attached file is named "antraxinfo.vbs".
The virus also modifies the SCRIPT.INI file used with mIRC to facilitate spread via Internet Relay Chat.
AOL4Free Hoax
Description: The AOL4Free saga is part hoax, part reality. First, there is a Macintosh program named aol4free (note, it does not use the filename aol4free.com) Second, there is hoax generated that stated aol4free.com deleted files on users hard drives. Finally, there is a Trojan by the same name, which has been dubbed A4F-Spoof by the antivirus vendors to avoid confusion. (The assumption is that the hoax was a spin-off of the Mac program, and the Trojan a spin-off of the hoax).
Example of hoax email:
Anyone who recieves this must send it to as many people as you can. It is essential that this problem be reconciled as soon as possible.
A few hours ago, I opened an E-mail that had the subject heading of aol4free.com
Within seconds of opening it, a window appeared and began to display my files that were being deleted. I immediately shut down my computer, but it was too late. This virus wiped me out.
It ate the Anti-Virus Software that comes with the Windows '95 Program along with F-Prot AVS. Neither was able to detect it. Please be careful and send this to as many people as possible, so maybe this new virus can be eliminated.
Don't Read this Readme
The APost virus disguises itself as readme.exe
On September 3, 2001, Labor Day holiday in the U.S. and Canada, a new email virus began spreading. The virus, dubbed APost, sends itself as an attachment named Readme.exe. Legitimate Readme files are generally text only (carrying the .TXT extension and not the .EXE extension used by the virus). Readme files accompany nearly every software program distributed and serve to provide valuable installation, configuration, and compatibility information about that software. The new, viral readme.exe could cause confusion among those persons who do not have file extension viewing enabled. By default, Microsoft® has this feature turned off in Windows, likely causing many to be left unaware of the true nature of the file. The Attachments Center provides tips on turning this feature on.
Alex Shipp, Senior Anti-Virus Technologist for MessageLabs initially reported the virus and antivirus vendor Sophos quickly followed with an alert of their own. Analysis performed by Alexey Podrezov, virus researcher for F-Secure Corp indicates the APost virus arrives via an email with the following characteristics:
Subject: As per your request!
Body: Please find attached file for your review.
I look forward to hear from you again very soon. Thank you
Attachment: readme.exe
If the readme.exe file is opened, the worm displays the following message box:
Image provided courtesy of F-Secure
If the user clicks the Open button, a second message box is displayed:
Image provided courtesy of F-Secure
The worm copies itself to the root of all local and mapped drives and sends itself to all recipients listed in the Microsoft® Outlook address book. The Sent items folder, however, will not reflect the worm's emails as they are deleted automatically after sending.
Manual removal instructions
Edit the Registry to remove the 'macrosoft' subkey from the following key:
Search the root of all local and network drives, as well as floppies, for the file README.EXE and delete it.
Locate and delete the file README.EXE from the Windows directory. If the file cannot be deleted, make the registry modification noted above, reboot the system, and then delete the file.
Jerusalem virus
Also known as: A-204, 1808(EXE), 1813(COM), ArabStar, BlackBox, BlackWindow, Friday13th, HebrewUniversity, Israeli, PLO, Russian
Type: File infector
Affects: PCs
Discovered: October 1, 1987
Note: the Jerusalem virus was originally thought to have originated in Israel as it was first discovered in a Hebrew university there. However, antivirus researchers received new evidence in 1991 that points to Italy as being the originating country.
Description: The Jerusalem virus is one of the older and certainly one of the more commonly known viruses. Several variants of Jerusalem exist, infecting both .EXE and .COM files found on the system. The first of the Jerusalem viruses contained a bug that caused it to repeatedly infect the EXE files over and over, until eventually the file sizes overwhelmed computer resources.
Jerusalem has a malicious payload that activates each Friday the 13th, deleting any programs run on that day. The virus causes a general slowdown of the computer thirty minutes after an infected program is run and also causes the screen to roll up two lines. Some minor variants of Jerusalem do not cause the screen anomaly, making their presence harder to detect by the naked eye.
Name: Brain Virus
Also known as: Ashar, (C)Brain, Clone, Nipper, Pakistani, PakistaniBrain
Type: Memory resident stealth boot sector infector
Affects: PCs
Discovered: January 1986
Description: The Brain virus is a memory resident stealth boot sector infector that changes the infected disk's volume label to "(c) brain" or "(c) ashar" depending on variant.
While no longer in-the-wild, Brain achieved notoriety for being the first known PC virus. It infected boot sectors, hooking into INT13. If the virus were resident in memory, the boot sector would look normal.
AutoStart Worm
Name: AutoStart worm
Also known as:
Type: Macintosh application infector
Affects: PowerPC Macintoshes and compatibles, typically running QuickTime v2.0 with the "Enable CD-ROM AutoPlay" option enabled
Discovered: Hong Kong
Description: As with any worm, the AutoStart worm makes copies of itself, rather than infecting other files. According to reports from Bigelow's Virus Troubleshooting guide, authored by Ken Dunham, Autostart begins by copying itself to the root directory as an invisible QuickTime AutoStart application. It then copies itself to the Extensions folder. Data destruction occurs with A, B, E, and F variants. Variants C and D have no malicious payload, and in fact attempt to remove the other variants. Filenames are typically DB, BD, DELDB, Desktop Print Spooler, Desktop Printr Spooler, or DELDesktop Print Spooler. There exist similarly named files which are legitimate, so caution should be exercised if removing these files.
Avril, Lirva, Naith
A worm by any other name is still a worm
Language helps us to easily communicate with one another. By assigning names to people, places, and things, we are able to identify them to ourselves and others. Now imagine if common items were all assigned random names at the whim of whoever interacted with it. The name would then become meaningless inasmuch as it would provide no ready means of identification and provide little help to communication. That's exactly the current situation with viruses - each vendor assigns whatever name they see fit. This free for all poses no benefit to users, who are then left to fend for themselves in determining what the virus is and whether they are protected from it. Such is again the case with the Avril, Lirva, Naith virus - a single email worm with a half dozen names assigned to it. Both McAfee and Symantec have dubbed this threat W32/Lirva.a@MM. MessageLabs refers to it as W2/Naith.A-mm, Central Command as Worm/Avril.A, and Sophos as W32/Avril-A. F-Secure simply calls it Lirva. Believing simple is good, this article will also refer to the email worm as Lirva.
According to Gergely Erdelyi of F-Secure, Lirva is a password stealing mass-mailing e-mail worm that uses several different methods to spread. In addition to email, Lirva spreads via mIRC, ICQ, KaZaA, and open shares via Windows networked drives. As with previous threats, such as the equally schizophrenically named Yaha variants, Lirva disables antivirus and security applications installed on the infected system. Because newly spreading viruses are not detectable by signature-based scanners without a special update, this leaves users vulnerable to not only the infection, but the inability to obtain the updates needed for detection and disinfection. It also leaves the system vulnerable to further threat, because the software designed to protect the system no longer functions properly. This situtation is worsened by the fact that Lirva (like the Yaha variants, Klez.H and others), takes advantage of a an old vulnerability in Microsoft products that allows the worm to infect automatically when the email carrying the virus is read or even just previewed. The vulnerability affects unpatched versions of Microsoft's Internet Explorer 5.01 or 5.5 (and in many cases, IE 6.x), which can allow attachments to be automatically executed simply by reading - or in some cases, previewing, the email message. Outlook and Outlook Express, and any mail other client that relies upon Internet Explorer to render HTML email messages are vulnerable to this exploit. To ensure you are protected from this vulnerability and others, visit the Windows Update site and allow it to scan your system for necessary security patches.
Lirva harvests email addresses from files on the system ending with any of the following extensions: .DBX, .MBX, .WAB, .HTML, .EML, .HTM, .TBB, .SHTML, .NCH, and .IDX and sends itself to those addresses with email subject lines, message body, and attachment names which have been randomly selected from pre-defined lists in the worm's code.
The worm pays dubious homage to Canadian singer Avril Lavigne, causing the Internet Explorer browser to open to her website on the 7th, 11th, and 24th of each month. Lirva also displays a series of colorful ellipses on the desktop.
Detecting the Worm
Because Lirva copies itself as hidden system files with randomly generated names, identifying the files can be difficult. However, a registry key created by the worm provides an easy means to determine whether an infection has taken place. The key, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HKLM\Software\OvG\Avril Lavigne, can be easily searched for by following the steps below.
Searching the Registry
Click Start
Click Run
Type REGEDIT and click OK
Click Edit | Find
Type Avril Lavigne
Click Find Next
or you can manually browse the registry to see if the key exists:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HKLM\Software\OvG\Avril Lavigne
Removing the Worm
Because antivirus software on the system is frequently disabled by this worm, the safest bet for proper detection and removal of Lirva is the use of an online scanner. Trend Micro's free online virus scanner Housecall is ideally suited for this purpose.
Latest Malware and Vulnerabilities
In recent weeks, a rash of spam has been sent that bear much resemblance to the all-too-familiar tactics of the Storm botnet.
All malware is bad, but some types of malware do more damage than others. That damage can range from loss of files or total loss of security. This list (in no particular order) provides an overview of the most damaging types of malware.
The MonaRonaDona 'virus' is a self-advertised 'virus' that isn't even a virus at all. It's a non-replicating program (i.e., a Trojan) that loads when Windows is started, changing the Internet Explorer title bar to read MonaRonaDona and displaying a message which blocks access to your legitimate running programs.
Many users have experienced repeated warnings of infection by Psyme each time they open their browser. Depending on the antivirus in use, the name given in the warning may be any of the following: Downloader.Psyme (Symantec), Troj/Psyme (Sophos), Trojan.VBS.KillAV (Kaspersky), TrojanDownloader.VBS.Psyme (CA),Trojan.Downloader.JS.Psyme (Kaspersky), VBS/Petch.A (F-Prot), VBS/Psyme (McAfee)
The so-called Storm worm is actually not a worm, but rather a family of Trojans that typically include a backdoor, SMTP relay, P2P communications, email harvester, downloader, and often a rootkit.
The so-called "U.Z.A. O/S Eliminator" worm appears to have originated in Maldives sometime in late July or early August 2007. The worm exploits the autorun feature, enabling it to spread from removable USB/thumb drives to other computers.
The Freedom 'virus' is a worm that infects local and USB drives, disables access to Task Manager, Registry Editor and other system utilities, and may try to delete MP3 files found on infected systems. Here's how to clean it.
Instead of relying on bots to do the dirty work, Trojan.MeSpam makes you the culprit. Once infected, every forum post you make, every webmail you send, and every blog comment you leave will also deposit a link pointing to a nefarious website.
Is Rinbot the little worm that isn't? Or is it simply the worm that no one wants to acknowledge exists? Here's a timeline of this "non-threat".
The Storm worm spreads via email, using a variety of subject lines and message text that may masquerade as news articles or other current events.
Thanks to the Chatosky worm, I uncovered some things about the Skype service that I might not otherwise have known.
MySpace users are yet again a victim of another targeted attack. Dubbed JS_QSPACE.A by antivirus vendor Trend Micro and JS.Qspace by Symantec, the Javascript worm exploits a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability embedded in a malicious Quicktime .MOV file.
A mass-mailing email worm that also spreads via USB and thumb drives, the Rontokbro worm - also know as Brontok - takes a multifacted approach to defy detection and removal.
Stration is a mass-mailing email worm that attempts to download a file from a remote server. The worm may inject itself into certain running processes, potentially causing it to bypass firewalls or other security software.
Stration is a mass-mailing email worm that may attempt to download files from a remote server.
There's a lot of misinformation being disseminated around the recently discovered VML vulnerability. Here's an attempt to address those misconceptions and alleviate some of the fears.
A zero-day vulnerability in the Windows implementation of Vector Markup Language (VML) impacts all supported versions of Internet Explorer, all supported versions of Microsoft Windows 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000, and recent versions of Outlook and Outlook Express.
With 12 million infected systems under their control, botnet operators are controlling a population rougly the size of Guatemala. In fact, the number of infected systems would place it at about 70 out of 230 sovereign states and territories worldwide.
The more a story gets told, the more the original story gets changed by each new storyteller. Sometimes, the story gets so far removed from the original, that the entire intent of the story is lost and new intent construed. Such is the case with the story of antivirus effectiveness, which was recently put through the spin cycle, wrung out, and reformed by Charlie White, editor of the Gizmodo gadget blog.
Vulnerability researchers at eEye Digital uncovered serious flaws in McAfee security products that could allow attackers to gain remote control of affected systems.
An early-morning report on a security mailing list led to the discovery of Yamanner, a mass-mailing email worm that impacted Yahoo webmail users.
Every successful gambler knows how to handle a certain amount of risk, and how to minimize their losses. But a free tool that promised to help gamblers get the most out of the game turned out to be a Trojan that scammed them out of their winnings.
It seems a disgruntled employee targeted their enterprise with a worm that causes pictures of a rather odd looking owl to print on nearly 40 printers specific to the targeted firm.
Nugache is a worm that may spread via email, IM, or P2P networks.
Having your computer infected with a virus or other malicious software is upsetting enough. But over the past year, a new type of attack promises to be even more disconcerting. Dubbed ransomware, this new attack infects the system, encrypts the files, and then demands payment from its victims.
There is no such thing as a good virus, but some viruses are more despicable than others. Case in point, the newly discovered W32/QuickBatch.G!tr Trojan that specifically targets members of the blind community.
Bagle worm variant that spreads via email and fileshares/P2P networks warns of 'Lawsuit Against You'
Discovered on January 17, 2006, the Nyxem worm has a dangerous payload that executes on the 3rd of each month, overwriting files with specific extensions.
Here's the best and worst of 2005 from a malware perspective.
It seems appropriate that the Chinese dubbed 2003 as the Year of the Black Sheep. Among other things, the sheep is a symbol of untidiness - and from a virus standpoint, the year was indeed a mess.
The year 2002 ushered in a new era of malicious marketing code
Detecting email-borne viruses every 18 seconds, MessageLabs calls 2001 The Year of the Virus
A serious vulnerability in Windows Fax and Picture Viewer can allow remote attackers to use .WMF image files to gain control of your system.
Sober.X is a mass-mailing email worm that sends itself in either English or German depending on the recipient's domain. In addition to mass-mailing, Sober.X terminates processes related to various antivirus and security programs.
Sober.U arrives in an email message that may be in either German or English language, depending on the recipient's domain.
Sober.T arrives in an email message that may be in either German or English language, depending on the recipient's domain.
sober.s arrives in an email message that may be in either German or English language, depending on the recipient's domain.
Sober.R arrives in an email message that may be in either German or English language, depending on the recipient's domain.
The Sony Stinx Trojan exploits the Sony DRM cloaking technology (aka rootkit) installed by music CDs published by Sony after March 2005. This allows the malware to be hidden from view - effectively masking its presence even from most antivirus scanners. The Sony Stinx Trojan installs an IRC Backdoor Trojan that allows remote access to compromised PCs, downloads other malware, and disables the Windows XP firewall.
The Linux Slapper worm has been given a facelift and this time BBS admins and web bloggers are the target. The new worm has been given a half dozen new names, including Linux/Lupper worm Linux.Plupi, Backdoor.Linux.Smal, ELF_LUPPER.A and Exploit.Linux.Lupii.
the President of Sony BMG's Global Digital Business, Thomas Hesse, defends Sony's installation of a rootkit by declaring, "Most people, I think, don't even know what a Rootkit is, so why should they care about it?"
If you've purchased a Sony-labeled music CD since March 2005 and used it on your PC, chances are it installed a rootkit that can be easily exploited by virus writers.
Dutch police have announced the arrests of the alleged author of W32.Toxbot and two alleged accomplices.
PSP.Brick impacts the Sony PSP game console, flashing critical system files and rendering the console unbootable. The newly discovered PSP.Brick isn't technically a virus - it's a Trojan. But the news surrounding PSP.Brick could be described as a polymorphic virus - it spreads fast and the story changes with each reporter it infects.
Since January 1, 2005, at least 358 descriptions have been published for specific IM threats.
The most prevalent IM worm is Kelvir family of worms that target MSN Messenger users.
Just hours after BBC published a news report titled "London attackers 'meant to kill'", the Agent.AD Trojan email stole the headline and part of the copy, using it as a ruse to entice victims into opening its infected attachment.
IM worms continue to expand their repertoire of social engineering tricks. W32/Olameg-net, a.k.a. Opanki.Y and AIM/Megalo, installs itself to the Windows System directory as itunes.exe, presumably trying to disguise itself as the popular Apple iTunes application.
Malware authors eager to capitalize on the Michael Jackson trial have been sending booby-trapped spam messages claiming the pop-singer has attempted suicide.
Discovered May 31, 2005, Mytob.BI is a mass-mailing email worm that compromises system security by terminating processes related to various antivirus software, disabling the XP SP2 firewall, and modifying the HOSTS file to prevent access to antivirus updates and certain other websites.
Discovered May 30, 2005, Mytob.AR is a mass-mailing email worm that compromises system security by terminating processes related to various antivirus software, disabling the XP SP2 firewall, and modifying the HOSTS file to prevent access to antivirus updates and certain other websites.
The Mytob variants are mass-mailing email worms that compromise system security by terminating processes related to various antivirus software and modifiying the Registry to disable the XP SP2 firewall.
The Sober.P worm has morphed into a spam Trojan, sending politically-charged messages from infected systems.
The Sober.P worm abruptly stopped its mass-mailing at midnight GMT on May 9th, presumably entering its second stage of infection.
Firefox flaws rated extremely critical
Discovered May 2, 2005, Sober.P (also known as Sober.O) is a mass-mailing email that sends itself in either German or English language, depending on the intended recipient's domain.
The Crog worm edits the system registry to lower security settings, modifies the HOSTS file to redirect access to various security sites and shuts down processes associated with various security software.
Three new IM worms, Kelvir.A, Kelvir.B, and Kelvir.C were discovered by antivirus vendors on March 6th and 7th, 2005.
Discovered on March 1, 2005 in conjunction with several mass-spammed Bagle-like Trojans, Bagle.BE arrives in an email with a blank subject line
Troj/BagleDl-L is a Trojan, not a worm, and does not contain mass-mailing capabilities. However, Troj/BagleDl-L was mass-spammed via email during the morning of March 1st, 2005.
Like Bagle.AY, Bagle.AZ is a mass mailing email and P2P filesharing worm with downloader capabilites.
Bagle.AY is a mass mailing email and P2P filesharing worm with backdoor and downloader capabilites. As with previous variants and most modern email worms, the worm uses its own SMTP engine to spread via email and the From address is spoofed.
MyDoom.AM is a mass-mailing email and P2P filesharing worm that modifies the HOSTS file to prevent infected users from accessing certain antivirus vendor sites.
A mass-mailing email and filesharing worm, Lovgate.W also contains backdoor capabilities
Ever wonder what Bill Gates gets for Christmas? This year, the Chinese security firm VenusTech delivered three new Windows exploits just in time for the holidays.
A new variant of the Zafi worm, dubbed Zafi.D, sends itself as a Christmas greeting - in a variety of languages depending on the recipient's domain.
Dubbed TrojanDropper.FakeSpamFighter and Troj/Mdrop-IT, the Trojan masquerades as the Lycos infamous MakeLOVEnotSPAM screensaver
Sober.I is a mass-mailing email worm that sends itself in both German and English, depending on the infected users' operating system language. Sober.I uses is own SMTP engine to send itself to email address found on infected systems, spoofing the From address.
Bofra.A worm exploits SHDOCVW.DLL flaw
The Klez virus uses a variety of techniques to fool and aggravate users
Also known as Homepage, this e-mail worm was discovered in the wild on May 8th, 2001
Alleged movie of Timothy McVeigh execution really the Subseven remote access Trojan.
The Sobig.E worm spreads via email. The Sobig.E worm attachment is a ZIP file.
From your Antivirus.About.com guide, an encyclopedia of virus and hoax descriptions. Includes PC, Macintosh, Unix, Active Content, and Wireless infectors.
Timely and searchable information concerning viruses currently in-the-wild and even those that are not.
So comprehensive, it might be somewhat difficult to navigate. Well worth the effort, AVP delivers the definitive virus encyclopedia.
Though not a virus, hoaxes and myths can still cause downtime and loss of productivity due to unwarranted panic. Rob Rosenberger maintains a plethora of information concerning these non-threatening threats.
From F-Secure, an alphabetized database of virus descriptions. Search by exact name or keyword.
From the makers of Panda Antivirus, an encyclopedia searchable by name, category or family. The database is prefaced by an introduction to computer viruses and a handy glossary of terms.
Compiled from various reporting agencies and individuals. Listing all viruses actually causing active infections worldwide, the wildlist is updated monthly.
One very long list of just some of the viruses detected by Sophos.
The McAfee AVERT Virus Information Library includes detailed information on viruses as well as popular hoaxes and myths.
F-Secure simplifies the WildList by linking descriptions to the names of the viruses reported to be in the wild. Updated monthly.
Virus Encyclopedia
Also see: Hoax Encyclopedia
Welcome to the virus information center. Here you will find virus descriptions and profiles of common viruses and other malicious code affecting PC's, Mac's, Unix systems, and Wireless Devices, as well as active content threats exploiting browser and email security vulnerabilites. Browse alphabetically to find the desired description. If you are unable to find a description for a particular virus, please post a message in the forum.
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If you don't find a particular virus listed here, it might be a hoax. Hoaxes aren't just a benign joke. Even when not believed, they clog mailservers and reduce productivity. When they are believed, reactive precautions can be as costly as a real threat. Visit the Hoax Center to learn more.
Email is a virtual conveyor belt for viruses and your browser settings can leave you vulnerable to hijackings and spyware. Be sure to check out Securing your email and Securing Internet Explorer. Also see the Executable file attachments center for a list of common executable attachment types that you'll want to avoid.
Hoax Encyclopedia
by Mary Landesman
Virus hoaxes, scams, and chain letters abound in email. Before forwarding that dire sounding warning or too good to be true promise, check the validity of it here. Chances are, it's a hoax. Virus hoaxes and myths waste time and money - and can make the sender look foolish. Don't fall victim to a virus hoax. Check the list of hoaxes below to find out the facts behind that email.
A virus hoax has only one purpose in life and that is to spread to as many people as possible. Quite the same goal as viruses, some might say. Don't be fooled into forwarding a hoax "to everyone you know". Consult this article first instead.
How to Get files from the directory - One more method
import os import openpyxl # Specify the target folder folder_path = "C:/Your/Target/Folder" # Replace with the actual path # Cre...
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ஸ்ரீ இராம நாம மந்திர மகிமை 🌷 1. நமக்கு நன்மை வரவேண்டுமானால் 'ராம நாமத்தை இடைவிடாமல் கூறவேண்டும். நமது ஒவ்வொரு மூச்சும் ...