Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How to set up a http server running from you computer

How to set up a http server running from you computer

(Either you can set up a basic server which means you stop at step... or if you want to make a server with free address you can continue after that step)

1. We are going to use a program called hfs i like the beta version (2) you will need to download this program.
Go to www.rejetto.com/temp/hfs2.0beta23.zip

2. Make a folder where you wish to run it from for example C:/Program files/hfs or C:/Documents and settins/Username/My documents/Hfs

3. Move the downloaded zip file into that folder and extract it.

4. Delete the zip file and KEEP THE OTHER FILES!!!!!
user posted image
5. Run the program and it will come up with a screen that looks like this
user posted image
6. Click the button that says easy mode (this turns it into expert mode which basicly means you have all the options)

7. Where it says port change the port to 80 (this can clash with some programs like webcam on msn and maybe others im not sure) ((the port you choose doesnt really matter 80 is just easier))

8. How to turn on port forwarding. (ONLY for people with routers) ((this varies depending on which make of router you have but for my router sweex i will tell you how its done))
Go to internet explorer or mozzilla firefox. Type into the address bar with nothing in else. A window will come up asking you for username and password by default this is admin and 1234 it will only be different if you have changed it.

9. This window should then show up.

user posted image

Click general setup then you will see this window

user posted image
Click NAT then port forwarding
You should now see this

user posted image

In private ip you need to post your computers local network address like for example or it depends. If you do not know how to do this here is how its found out
Click start>run>cmd type in the command line ipconfig
some information will come up looking like this
user posted image

That is your computers local network address.

So going back to

user posted image
Now go back to hfs and you must enter your ip (not your local address but your ip) here

user posted image
Keep the http:// in front of your ip.
This is essentially now your server. Make sure it is on and you can go and visit it at http://yourip:port/
To add files simply drag and drop them in. Then click virtual folder.

That was if you do not want a personal address you can make it personal like mine http://randomshitfromtimmy.no-ip.org very easily.
All you have to do is go to www.no-ip.com
Make a username
Log in
Click add on the left hand side
Make a hostname (mine is randomshitfromtimmy)
Click port 80 redirect
Enter your ip in the ip address field
And choose the port you wish to forward (this is either 80 or the other one that you chose)
Click add redirect.

Now you have a fully working hfs system.It runs of you bandwidth so if lots of people are downloading you will find your net goes slowly so remeber to set limits.

(below is a pic of a set up hfs working) Ips blurred for privacy.

i am not liable for any criminal or bad thing which you have done using this message and document. i am giving here for the educational purpose and care should be taken from your side before using this document and please get a written permission from the person before hacking or doing some thing in the network or system.This document is intended for judicial or educational purposes. I have collected these documents and messages from the internet for educational purpose only. always use these documents for doing good only. I don't want to promote computer crime and I'm not responible of your actions in any way. If you want to hack a computer, do the decent thing and ask for permission first. please read and use this for useful purpose only to protect the systems and information from the bad people. always seek permission from the system owner or who ever responcible for the system by written and then go ahead. Give a full report with honestly to the person or company about your experiments and findings from the system. Always Do Good Think Good and Belive Good.

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