RSS Readers for Windows
Omea is a free and easy to use RSS reader, NNTP news reader, and web bookmark manager. It’s fast, it aggregates, and it keeps you organized. Check out the additional features: lightning-fast desktop search, flexible information organizer, contextual access, and quick extensibility for developers who want more.
Particls helps you track your favourite sites, topics and apps by displaying desktop alerts for important changes. general information can be displayed on a great looking desktop sidebar, important stuff might appear on a popup alert and urgent information coul d be SMS’d to your phone. It’s absolutely free.
Snarfer is fast reliable and free. It provides a new approach to RSS feed aggregation focusing on speed, efficiency and ease of use. Using Snarfer people can become functional RSS users within seconds of installing it. Snarfer has a strong community of loyal users providing feedback, features requests and enhancements which allows the Snarfware team to bring out an enhanced version about every 45 days.
Mozilla Thunderbird allows to set up RSS and newsgroup folders to stay on top of news and your interests.
Opera provides a fully featured RSS reader.
HappyFish allows multiple simultaneous downloads, improved user interface with movable, autohiding panels, tabbed browsing windows in the embedded browser, embedded browser autodetects whether a site has a feed and lets you subscribe with a single click.
Awasu is a state-of-the-art feed reader that comes loaded with features for both casual personal use and professional. It uses a familiar Windows interface that can be adjusted to suit your preferences. Channels that have new stories are highlighted in the left-hand pane of the main window. Each channel opens in its own window with an integrated browser. Stories that you have not read yet are highlighted in each channel. Awasu Personal Edition is for casual RSS users, for personal use only. Awasu Advanced Edition is designed for power users. Licensed for personal use only. Price: $ 29. Purchases of Awasu include 12 months of free upgrades.
GreatNews displays full pages of news articles across RSS feeds, optimized for fast reading. So you can skim through pages in seconds, and pick interesting ones to dig in. GreatNews is extremely fast. Even with hundreds of rss feed subscriptions, GreatNews’s response is always instantaneous. GreatNews Beta is free. No adware and spyware.
Feed Amasser is a free, light weight Rss Feed Reader let’s you store your feed channel’s with some descriptive label’s and collect the Feeds as you like. This is an optimized tool for reading RSS Feeds only. ATOM Feeds are not supported.
FeedDemon provides a great way to view and manage your RSS feeds from your desktop. With FeedDemon you can get your news and information instantly, customize the way you read and organize feeds, download podcasts to your iPod or Windows Media Player. FeedDemon provides many layout and display options to get the reading experience that’s just right for you. Free trial. Price $ 29.95.
Attensa RSS feed readers are designed for business and provide knowledge workers with easy to use, secure tools that help them track and monitor constantly changing business information without having to search or request it. Built on a common platform and designed with a consistent user interface, Attensa Feed readers use AttenstionStream™ technology to cut through information overload and provide seemless synchronization so subscriptions and articles are kept up to date no matter where they are accessed.
Briz RSS Reader is a simple easy-to-use news reader for MS Windows. It allows you to subscribe to, download and read desired RSS/Atom feeds. News feeds can be aggregated to display all the items in the one news line. Briz RSS Reader is available for free evaluation. If you wish to use it after evaluation period, you should purchase a registration key. Price: $19.95.
RSS Bandit is an RSS/Atom aggregator for your desktop written with the .NET Framework.
IntraVNews is a feed reader and RSS aggregator for Outlook. With the powerful interface of intraVnews you get total control over your feed subscriptions on the Internet and your intranet. Automatically download linked HTML content for offline reading or archiving. intraVnews relies on the default security mechanisms in Outlook for protection against viruses or otherwise potentially malicious code. Free trial. Price: $ 24.95.
SharpReader is a free RSS/Atom Aggregator for Windows. You will need to install the .NET Framework, version 2.0 or version 1.1 SP1.
Active RSS Reader is a free web feed reader that supports RSS 0.9x, 1.x and 2.x feed formats. It is a lightning fast RSS reader that takes up only 1MB on your PC. Add all your favorite RSS feeds to keep yourself updated. In addition to RSS feeds, you can also bookmark web pages. Active Web Reader will then monitor these web pages and notify you when they change. It can also highlight the changes on a web page, since your last visit.
FeedExpress is a freeware and OpenSource RSS feed reader. It basically lets you subscribe to several RSS/RDF sources, known as Subscriptions in FeedExpress, in the same way that Outlook Express lets you subscribe to several news groups. FeedExpress caches and indexes all the feeds for each RSS subscription, making it easy to overview all your feeds.
RSS Readers for Mac OS X
NetNewsWire is the first RSS reader to use animation to alert you to news and convey meaning. Watch your feeds and groups swoop around as news streams in. NewsFire takes feed organization to the next level, letting you create smart feeds that match whatever criteria you want. It lets you group and label your feeds, so you control the news reading experience.
Vienna is a freeware, open source RSS/Atom newsreader for the Mac OS X operating system. It provides features comparable to commercial newsreaders, but both it and the source code are freely available for download.
NewsLife is an easy to use RSS news reader for your Mac. If you have not heard of RSS before, it’s a technology for syndicating news headlines and a huge number of websites support it. By adding a website’s RSS news feed to NewsLife you can keep up with all the latest news without actually having to visit the website until you see something you want to read. Just like your with your email client, NewsLife keeps track of which news stories you have read and which you haven’t, lets you search and sort stories just the way you want.
PixelNews makes it easy to add your favorite feeds. In addition to simply selecting “Add Feed”, you can also search and add feeds from the PixelNews Database or even add a feed by dragging and dropping the valid RSS or Atom URL onto PixelNews. PixelNews allows you to organize your feeds in Channels that are quickly accessible in the sidebar. Clicking on a Channel will reveal all the feeds in that Channel making it easy to view all your favorite PhotoBlogs in one Channel, World News in another, Movie review feeds in another, etc. PixelNews is $25 Shareware. However, there’s a 2 week trial.
Shrook is a free news reader that is not only easy to use, but offers advanced features not available to Mac users anywhere else. It supports all versions of RSS and Atom.
RSS Readers for Linux
Liferea (Linux Feed Reader) is an aggregator for online news feeds. There are many other news readers available, but these others are not available for Linux or require many extra libraries to be installed. Liferea tries to fill this gap by creating a fast, easy to use, easy to install news aggregator for Gtk/Gnome.
Straw is a feed reader aimed for users using the GNOME desktop. You subscribe to news, blogs, and podcast feeds and read the feeds in the comfort of your desktop, with or without online access. The goal of Straw is to be an easy-to-use feed reader and one that is integrated with the rest of your desktop. It should support the capabilities provided by the desktop as well as not being hard to users when it comes to usability and in terms of providing functionality.
Akregator is a news feed reader for the KDE desktop. It enables you to follow news sites, blogs and other RSS/Atom-enabled websites without the need to manually check for updates using a web browser. Akregator is designed to be both easy to use and to be powerful enough to read hundreds of news sources conveniently. It comes with Konqueror integration for adding news feeds and with an internal browser for easy news reading.
AgileRSS is a desktop aggregator that is able to display any RSS, ATOM, and XML news feed
It also allows you to keep up-to-date with all your preferred sources of information that support the RSS protocol. Internet syndication and aggregation software, that runs on any java enabled operating system.
Snownews is a text mode RSS/RDF newsreader. It supports all versions of RSS natively and supports other formats via plugins.
Cross Platform RSS Readers
BottomFeeder is a news aggregator client (RSS and Atom) written in VisualWorks Smalltalk. BottomFeeder runs on Linux x86, (also FreeBSD), PowerPC Linux, Sparc Linux, Windows (98/ME/NT/2000/XP/CE 4), Mac OS8/9, Mac OS X (PPC, intel), AIX, SGI Irix, HP-UX, and Solaris (SPARC and x86). It provides full support for CSS, including user defined CSS. View news in 3 pane or 2 pane modes. Subscribe to any RSS or Atom format in use.
RSSOwl is an applications that collect data from RSS-compliant sites are called RSS readers or “aggregators.” RSSOwl is such an application. RSSOwl lets you gather, organize, update, and store information from any compliant source in a convenient, easy to use interface, save selected information in various formats for offline viewing and sharing, and much more. It’s easy to configure, available in many many languages and the best of all: It’s platform-independent.
BlogBridge is a free, open source blog and feed reader. It runs on Mac, Windows AND Linux. It allows to manage your hundreds and hundreds of RSS subscriptions with an elegance and style, build rivers of news, perform complex queries — all of this is and many more is delivered to your very fingertips.
Web Based RSS Readers
Bloglines is a free online service for searching, subscribing, creating and sharing news feeds, blogs and rich web content. With Bloglines, there is no software to download or install — simply register as a new user and you can instantly begin accessing your account any time, from any computer or mobile device.
Google Reader constantly checks your favorite news sites and blogs for new content. Use Google Reader’s built-in public page to easily share interesting items with your friends and family. Google Reader is totally free and works in most modern browsers, without any software to install.
iGoogle allows you to include RSS feeds as part of your custom start page.
My Yahoo! allows you to add RSS feeds alongside your weather, stock quotes, and news.
My Netscape includes the ability to add RSS feeds as content modules.
Netvibes is a personal homepage provider includes hundreds of “modules” you can add to your page from Hotmail to your Flickr photos. You can create your own modules by simply entering an RSS feed URL.
Pageflakes is a personalized homepage provider,that lets you select from pre-made modules or create your own by adding an RSS feed.
Rojo is a web-based reader that combines RSS aggregation with a community of sorts, showing what people are reading on their homepage.
Newsgator’s RSS reader allows you to organize your feeds in Windows-style folders that can be expanded and collapsed.
Fwicki is an RSS mashup application with a customizable online feed reader. This patent pending RSS mashup application gives everyone a personal feed reader with RSS mashup capabilities. The fwicki application gives publishers a unique RSS toolset that can enhance their blog or web site. The free fwicki toolset includes the following features designed to enhance your RSS experience
NewsAlloy is a free Web based feed reader for discovering, reading, and sharing news and information. It lets you view information from a wide variety of news sources, special interest publications and blogs via RSS and Atom in an easy to use and manageable way via Web Based AJAX Driven GUI and Mobile/PDA enabled service.
Feed Directories
Technorati - indexes blogs based on tags and authority.
Icerocket is a blog search engine. automatically notifies subscribers when new content is posted to a website or blog.
blogdigger uses RSS and Atom, to index blog content and make it available for search. Blogdigger also makes all search results available in RSS or Atom, so users can subscribe to keyword searches and automatically be notified, via the News Aggregator of their choice, of new content pertaining to their interests.
WeBlogALot is a blog directory. Blog Directory is organized by category, offers a large collection of the best blogs online. Find and search blogs. Promote your weblog and increase blog traffic with blog submission! Publish blog site with submit & ping a blog rss and have your blog listed.
Syndic8 is the place to come to find RSS and Atom news feeds on a wide variety of topics. There is a lot here: a community-driven effort to gather syndicated news headlines, a readable master list of syndicated news content, quality of server measurement of all feeds, and more. - a categorized blog directory and search engine with about 10,000 feeds indexed. lets you keep an eye on your favorite weblogs via the web and email. You can even put the list on your site.
Blogstreet - places feeds into different directory categories and also has a Digg-like homepage powered by user rankings.
RSS to Email Converters
Feedblitz is the unique service that enables professional publishers, marketers and bloggers to quickly and easily reach all their subscribers. Automating the email newsletter publication, delivery and subscription processes, FeedBlitz simplifies newsletter generation, delivery and operations. Not only can you save time and money, now FeedBlitz enables you to earn money from your mailing lists with our unique, opt-in email ad network.
ZapTXT lets you create custom keyword searches to track your favorite RSS-enabled websites via email, instant messenger or mobile device.
R|Mail makes reading feeds as easy as reading email. It helps you organize and send your favorite web content straight to your mailbox.
RSS Feed Validators
Feed Validator is a validator for syndicated feeds. It works with RSS 0.90, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0. It also validates Atom feeds. To use it, simply enter the address of your feed and click Validate. If the validator finds any problems in your feed, it will give you messages for each type of problem and highlight where the problem first occurs in your feed. If you’re unsure what a message means, click the “help” link next to the message for a fuller explanation.
RSS 1.0 Validator produces a simple HTML report listing the errors, as well as copy of the original RSS 1.0 file.
Redland RSS 1.0 Validator & Viewer offers a variety of display options for checking your feeds.
RSS Managers
FeedPass is a way for you to make RSS easy for anyone. If you’ve got a blog or feed, then you need a feedpass. It automatically creates a subscription page that allows your readers to subscribe using RSS readers, browsers, or by email.
Feedburner offers a huge set of features, including detailed analytics, chicklets, feed optimization and ad insertion.
RSS Mixers
Yahoo! Pipes is a powerful composition tool to aggregate, manipulate, and mashup content from around the web. Like Unix pipes, simple commands can be combined together to create output that meets your needs: combine many feeds into one, then sort, filter and translate it, geocode your favorite feeds and browse the items on an interactive map, grab the output of any Pipes as RSS, JSON, KML, and other formats.
Google Mashup Editor (GME) is an AJAX development framework and a set of tools that enable developers to quickly and easily create simple web applications and mashups with Google services like Google Maps and Google Base. Google Mashup Editor is a great tool for grabbing information from feeds and letting users see and manipulate it.
RSSMesh is a script which is used to merge multiple RSS feeds into a single RSS feed. It allows you to produce an RSS feed by taking the latest items from multiple feeds. The RSSmesh configuration is controlled by a configuration file for each feed to be produced.
Feedblendr takes the feeds you give it, pulls the individual entries from each of them, attempts to sort them in date order (combined across all feeds) and then provides you with a new, blended feed of all entries.
xFruits is a free online service offering to every user the possibility of enlarging your blog’s functionalities, creating your information system from the RSS feed. XFruits makes possible the Mashup RSS creation in a very simple way thanks to the Composer. You can assemble the bricks together so as to build your own feed-based service. “xFruiter” service’s users are referenced.
Feedcombine is a script to combine multiple RSS feeds into one. You can set up as many combined feeds as you want, either using the predefined links or by entering your own favorites. Once you’re ready, click the “Generate” button, then bookmark the page that comes up - whether it’s a special Live Bookmarks folder in Firefox or a feed in Safari, ready for use in the Apple screensaver.
Feedbite allos to combine as many feeds as you want into groups called bundles and filter by keywords. You can share the bundles and allow other people of like interest to add new relevant feeds. With this unique model, the FeedBite community will help you create and maintain bundles of content relevant to the topic you are looking to follow.
Blogsieve is a free tool that creates new feeds from existing feeds. Use BlogSieve to filter, merge, sort and strip any valid feeds into a new feed in any format you choose.
FeedRinse is an easy to use tool that lets you automatically filter out syndicated content that you aren’t interested in. It’s like a spam filter for your RSS subscriptions.
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